
Batteray Dobler

Saya hanya mau sharing software yang mungkin dapat kalian manfaatkan untuk membuat baterai laptop tahan lama. Kita tidak usah repot setting manual seperti pada tips-tips sebelumnya kita hanya instal software Baterai Dobler dan tinggal klik-klik saja untuk konfigurasi. Ok Mungkin saya kenalin dulu beberapa Menu Yang dapat kita konfigurasi dan setting pada Baterai Doubler ini diantarnya : Main Di sini terdapat beberapa pilihan, bila temen-temen ingin mempergunakan laptop dengan jangka waktu yang lama dan tanpa menggunakan adaptor,temen-temen tinggal pilih

Angry Birds Theme for WIndows 7

Download game Angry Birds | buat pecinta Game Angry Birds pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan tema ini. Tapi tidak menuntut kemungkinan ada sobat yang juga pecinta Game Angry Birds yang belum tahu dan mungkin juga belum menggunakan Theme Angry Birds untuk Windows 7 ini. Dikesempatan kali ini saya sempatkan untuk share Theme Angry Birds untuk Windows 7 buat sobat sekalian. Dan siapa tahu saja ada diantara sobat yang membutuhkan Theme Angry Birds untuk Windows 7. Baiklah, buat sobat yang membutuhkan Theme Angry Birds untuk Windows 7 ini, silahkan langsung saja didownload, cekidot... password RAR nya :: ashtho

Crash Team Racing

Crash Team Racing CTR or commonly known as part of a series of crash bandicoot is one of the classic game released for play station 1, in their time ctr become very famous, and is one of the most successful game for play station 1, and this time we will display the version pc to your memory of the past for those of you who've ever played, or for those of you who want to try to play as entertainment, please download here free of charge size, was only about 100mb, and how to install it so easy. Crash Bandicoot is a series of platform video game developed by Radical Entertainment and published by Activision. Originally created by Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin, the series was developed for the first four years by a video game company Naughty Dog. Since then, the series has been given to developers before finally settling at Radical Entertainment. This series includes 16 games as of 2009. Crash Bandicoot is a platform video game published by Sony Computer Enterta...

Doraemon The Games

Doraemon The Games Free Download - Doraemon is a robot cat that was made on September 3, 2112. Mass production of various types of robots occurred in the 22 century. In a factory off-far from Tokyo, robots manufactured cat. Due to an accident, not a screw Doraemon robotic cat than others and become second-class goods. During the production process, an error occurs on one of the robot Doraemon is not so good though within his study, is then sent to the Robot Robot Academy to be trained as a household robot. He can also pass in the end. However, morbidly everything goes smoothly for Doraemon. doraemon failed in all the exams. And became caretakers of offspring Nobita. As a result, doraemon auctioned off to a poor family who were in debt, which is nothing but a family descendant Nobita Nobi. He came out of Nobita's desk drawer, and since then he lived with Nobita One day, while being engrossed doaremon nap, a robot rat bite both ears. This tragedy makes doraem...


Tidak selamanya sampah itu tidak bermanfaat, ditangan Seniman Amerika Gabriel Dishaw sampah dapat disulap menjadi bentuk kreasi yang unik. Sampah apa sih yang digunakan?? Gabriel Dishaw mengunakan limbah laptop


SAM XTO - Harvard University adalah salah satu universitas tertua dan terkenal di Amerika Serikat. Bagi yang sudah pernah mengenyam pendidikan disana pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan suasan kantin nya. Akan tetapi pasti banyak sekali orang-orang yang belum pernah menginjakan kakinya disana. Bukan hanya orang Indonesia, bahkan warga nergara Amerika sendiri masih banyak yang belum kesana. Foto-foto dibawah ini memperlihatkan betapa besarnya sebuah kantin di universitas terkenal Harvard University di Amerika.

Ponsel Masa Depan

UFO, Konsep Ponsel Masa Depan Dari Kyocera Dalam acara pameran teknologi di Jepang bertajuk Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies 2011, Kyocera menampilkan ponsel unik yang kira-kira bakal muncul di masa depan.